The Quote Challenge - Day 2 of 3

These lines are one of the frequent quotes I read when my motivation keeps draining.I have gone through a lot of confusions and conflicts when it comes to people.There were instances where some people who expected a lot from me and wanted me to dance according their tunes.I was not the one to give in.I have understood that world is a crazy place to live in.  I figured out in a hard way that being myself was the best solution.I talk what I feel, I live on my own terms, I don't heed to any one's  commands. I also make sure I don't hurt any body's sentiments. But neither do I hurt my own.People who mind for every little thing and do not value my thoughts no longer matter to me.It's not possible to make the whole world happy right?

I am blessed with a hand full of friends and a immensely loving family who are there for me always. Anytime. They know me in and out and they are the ones who come to me when I need help. They are there to  sing and celebrate or reprimand me when I go wrong. I can be myself with this set of folks. No acting required.We mutually accept each other as we are.I believe every one is unique and different. Forcing ideas on others will never last a relationship with any person.That is so much constraint. 

Be yourself, do what feel, talk your opinion. Life is easy that way. Isn't it?

The three new blogger friends in my new journey of blog ride are nominated here.
Kalpana Solsi,Sushree,Vinay Leo R

Dee Dee , Thanks for nominating me for the Quote Challenge.

This is what the 3-Day Quote Challenge is all about.

1. Post one of your favorite quotes (different quote on each day) on three consecutive days. The quote can be from your favorite book, author, or your own.
2. Nominate 3 bloggers to challenge them.
3. Thank the blogger, who nominated you

P.S : There was a huge delay in writing the Day 2- Quote challenge. It was supposed to be written on the consecutive day but I am doing it on the consecutive week.
