The Real Heroes

The country is a safe and lovely garden
the people are the smiling rosy flowers shining above
Beneath stands a hero  holding them to  protect from roots
 his continuous sacrifices being the way he shows his love
Thanks to the Soldier heroes
Irrespective of a  harsh summer or a freezing winter
they fight the red battle in a terrific game
carefree we crawl into our blankets feeling safe
Unnoticed they go, after slaying the enemies to shame
Thanks to his parents
They miss their festivals with their family
living with missiles instead of kids, dust instead of comfort
blowing wishes and kisses in air to his loved ones
putting himself to sleep, body full of bruises and dirt
Thanks to his wife and kids

 They are mistaken to be living like a machine
A child in them  craves for hugs an cuddles
A human being under the thick dress has immense feelings
while the brave heart fights fearlessly against the nations hurdles
Thanks to his friends
The least thing we can do is to respect them
Stand by their family in the hour of need and distress
safeguarding our country is our duty too
If we stay blind to our responsibilities, how will our nation progress?
Linking it up with Magpie Tales: Mag 293


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